Thursday, December 22, 2011

Asthma and weed quick question?

you get lazy when you smoke. just cut it for a while then smoke like 2 or 3 times a month. be active. when you smoke. you can be creative or lazy. you want to be creative.

Vw jetta or scion tc?

i am looking for a car for highschool...i want something that is reliable, fun to drive, and will last a long time. I like the VW Jetta (current bodystyle) and Scion TC. I would buy used, not new....I like the Jetta because it's more upscale then a Mazda 3, and the TC is very sporty and has lots of standard features...which would u recommend?

What is the diagnosis and/or treatment for scarring on the lungs due to repeated pneumonia?

My boyfriend had x-rays taken that have shown he has developed some scarring on his lung due to chronic infections of pneumonia. He has seen many doctors but they haven't been able to give him any kind of diagnosis or treatment. It's gotten worse, he coughs all the time, has difficulty breathing, and is constantly spitting up phlegm and mucus from his lungs. Is there anything he can do to treat this problem? And what exactly is this condition called?

Info on pistol grips and their use(gun control clification,legalities)?

I've heard from a lot of gun control advocates that a pistol grip on a ualt rifle was designed for "spray fire from the hip" been searching the internet for reference on this but have found nothing.For staters you could only do spray fire if it was a cl III weapon,you cant aim at the hip,all the recoil goes into your wrist,it is a lot more awkward to hold in that position(it would be easier without a pistol grip) and mag changes are almost impossible if the position of the rifle is not changed.Also if anyone had done this on a range when I was in the military they would have been kicked off as a safety violator(KD or CMP).Did find a 1945 U.S. army report on the sturmgewehr 44 outlineing the characteristics of an ualt rifle ,but it made no metion of this as one.Main question is what if any reports clified a pistol grip in this manner and was this clification used as justification in the California and sunseted assualt weapons ban?

Is it just me?

Or is Meerkat Manor really EDGY this season! Poor Len and Squiggy. Poor Lola. Poor Mozart! Even Poor Carlos!

Where do I take my completed pport application in reno, nv?

I think you can take it to the post office. That's where I took mine. Check online, though. I'm pretty sure there is a list of places to turn them in. It'll be on the government's pport section of their website.

URGENT: Going to buy 1 in few days What is the mileage you getting in Mahindra rodeo?

we are planing to buy 1 for my mother....does it gives 45 showroom persons and some of owners of m&m rodeo told me is it true.....dnt gv me that access suggestions is gud in style and suspnsn....

Divorce agreement with IRS?

If your divorce decree states that your husband is totally responsible for the back-tax that you filed jointly,that the judge put the judgement/debt to the husband and he doesnt pay for it-- can IRS go after the wife since her name is on it too since she filed jointly?

Shady dealings of a friend?

My friend (28) runs a non-profit company in addition to going to dental school... so she has to do a lot of fundraising to do since there are no other sources of money. The company has 20 people in it and it is community service based. She found a fundraiser where you fill out credit card forms and you get $5 for every one completely filled out. She gave 10 to all 20 people in her group (200 total) and about 15 came back with no SS she made them up using the color ink they used and tried to mimic their handwriting. I caught her in the act when I came home from work. The ones that weren't signed, she signed for them as well. Could she get in trouble for this? She is my friend. I don't want her to get in trouble but she was already given all the cash. Please help!

Who will win the NFC this year?

I personally think the Bucs got a legit shot, solid d, good ground game and garcia has been great plus they DESTROYED THE PANTHERS.. whatcha think?

Im told to plan for 1/2 lb of food per person for a wedding reception?

I dont see how people can eat 1/2 a pound of each entree being served at my daughters wedding reception?? Is this factual?? lets say the entrees are Grilled Chicken, baked beans, potato salad, 2 different pasta salads, fresh fruit, rolls and muffins and various appetizers.. If I make a 1/2 pound for each guest they are going to consume approx. 4 pounds for each guest??? I am way way confused...somebody help!!

What do you think os my daughter's name?

I wouldn't add a middle name for her now that she is 2 years old, and I especially wouldn't use Mountain, Love, or Flower...none of those would make her name any better. Nina isn't bad.

Chicago Bulls question?

First of all I would never give up Ben Gordon giving he is very undersized at 6'2, 185lbs. But with the upside Ben has its very hard to give him up for an aging Kevin Garnett. Maybe a Tyrus Thomas and Kirk Hinrich trade would be more suitable.With the lotto pick as well. Either way the bulls should build around Ben and go from there.

How much per bet should I use for $1000 on Roulette Table?

If it was me I would play anywhere from $50-$100 a spin. Play about 20 spins then if I'm up then get out of there


Can you get to a fabric shop or to the local market where they sell netting (tulle) they are SO easy to make and look proffesional...took me an hour to make the last one I needed and I bought �6.00 worth of image "Tied tutu" and youll get loads of different images of what they look like and how to make them...this method (tying) is so easy and they look like you bought them...all you need enough elastic to go round your waist...(50p from the smae stall you get the tulle from)

Dustin Pedroia Question????

I don't have anything against him but why do so many people think he deserves the M.V.P award. Sure he tied for leage high in hits and was second in batting average but he only had like 83 rbis and last time i checked thats not an M.V.P

Is it true that Yahoo Answers are just Govt Shrinks doing Roarshock tests ?

So as to rate you according to govt. Political Correctness criteria, and then Police State your life?

A pescetarian with a few questions?

just voicing my opinion.... my thoughts arent geared toward the asker of this question or any single person... just personal opinion open to anyone that wants to listen. ok what's with this "i eat fish so i'm a semi-vegetarian" BS? it's simple... either you're a meat eater or you're not. period end of story! there's no in between. dont try to act like you're part of the group when you're not.... it's offensive to true vegan/vegetarians that work hard and follow a strict no meat/animal diet

Is this weird?

I walk around with slime like goo in my pocket, just so when I get the chance to sneeze, I can send it airborne and freak people out. Is that weird?

Blitzball in real life??????????????(Final Fantasy 10)?

I really love playing Blitzball. Its one of the best things on FFX! I noticed today in gym( when we were playing volleyball) shots are really good. No, not going over the net( LOL XD)! I mean forwarding it and powerful strikes, kinda like a real blitzer! XD! Could Blitzball be real in the future? I mean, is there a way for us humans to make a new type of water or else change certain amounts of water to where breathing would be an almost unlimited thing. Or, use special equipment to make the domes, and and gear that make you go fast like that? I would love if we could make Blitz into REALITY!!!! YEAH! Just wondering....

My boyfriend.....................…

im 14 and my boyfriend always feels on my chest when we are kissing or just hanging out and when he does that(because he does it so good)it makes me wanna have with him but he says he doest want to have this early in life so how do i tell him that when he does that it makes me wanna throw him down on the floor and have with him

What does rocky balboa shout at the top of the mountains in rocky VI?

on the workout montage when gets to the top of the snowy mountain he screams...what does he scream? It definitely isn't Adrienne.

Should I buy a kramer guitar?

I was browsing my local craiglist when I found somebody selling a kramer focus 3000 guitar for only 45 dollars. I currently have a squier bullet, but i'm moving to university soon and would like to bring a guitar, but I also come home on weekends sometimes and don't want to lug a guitar back and forth so maybe I'll buy the kramer guitar to leave at school. Does anybody have any experience with the kramer focus 3000? Does 45 dollars sound too good to be true, and will the strings be hard to change since its a ffloyd rose. I don't really plan on using the whammy bar.

What do i do if my ex boyfriend is making my life terrible?

Well i broke up with my ex for someone i really liked but after that he begged to have me back so i went back with him.Then he broke up with me for this other girl after that i was happy back with this guy i really liked but my ex called me and kept bugging me till i finely said yes he broke up with me and now that guy i really like want talk text or text me he want even say hey to me when i walk past him. At my ex just was acting like a jerk but then he called me and acted like he was this person named petter. I thought petter was a good guy and i told him how much i hated my ex and what i heard about his girlfriend and trust it was not good stuff. Well i wasn't mad enough he went and told everybody about what happened. After that he acted like he acted really perverted with everybody he seen when his girlfriend wasn't around even me. I stared to wonder if same thing to me and really started to who he really was. Just a couple of days he told his girlfriend that i wrote him a two page love letter about how much i still loved him. Which was a lie i don't for him at all anymore. Now all her friends hate me most were pretty good friends with me. Before all that he kept telling people that the reason why he broke up with me was because i was ugly. In that same day when we were walking out of cl he came behind me and said hey beautiful. I don't think i look that bad anyway i have had a lot of people to say that I was hot. Yesterday he kept feeling on me. I almost forgot to tell you im kind of young bellow 10th. He didn't really wasn't to bad until after i rejected him that's when he started treating me like crap.

2009 NFL Predictions? tell me what you think.?

no patriots wont go to superbowl, yes tom brady is coming back but you have to remember he is rusty. i think dallas will go to superbowl, i don't like them but i have to ad-mitt they have a strong defense confident offense and just is a all around strong team.

If a guy is trying to kidnap you .... should you try to brake his or something to escape?

so i was watching oprah the other day and it was about this girl and she was being followed by a man and he was going to her so she said that she just punched him then this one lady who is a speciallist in this said to grab their and try hard to brake it so they will stop whatever they are doing and they will eventually run away ... do you think this is good advice just incase i get abducted?

Fallout new vagas, too many monsters?

well the gAme certianly lacks it but try black mountain.......multple super mutants at first, rly depends on ur opionon of it :) hope this helps.....i absolutely hate cazadors

Which debt should i get rid of first?

i have two car loans out that equal out to about 29,000 bucks and then out of like revolving credit i have about 8,000 dollars worth... im in a position to pay off one of my vehicles... basically i have 3K to throw at my debt. do i throw it at the vehicle (installment loans) or towards my revolving credit (credit cards and department cards) debt? im looking to better a decent credit score to a good credit score. which would help more?

Brett Favre on Letterman...?

I don't know about you guys but am I the only one who finds it almost blatantly obvious that Aaron Rodgers wont be under center against the Vikings in the season opener after what Favre said on Letterman just moments ago?

I'm looking for a Nice Digital Camera. What do you recommend in the $275 - $350 range?

I don't use a camera too much, but would like to have a nice camera to be able to take pictures when I travel. I recently had a Panasonic Lumix, but gave it to my mother. Any other recommendations? I was looking at the Casio EX Z1000.... ??

How much a week or month would i have to make to afford this?

Me and my girlfriend wants to get a 2009 Scion Tc after all taxes and wat not its $18,641. We got new jobs working at the same place making 400+ dollars a week. We still live at home and we both have credit cards that were never late on. our previous job we held over 2years. Is this enough money to afford this car were going to put 3000 down. if not how much do we need to be making a month or week? O yea were only 18 and im tired of driving my beat up car that iv had for over a year and never got one ticket or into an accident

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why the word "pedagogy"?

I understand teaching, instructing, learning, professing, even preaching, but why pedagogy as a word to describe teaching?

Healthy munchie ideas?

i find that unlike most people, if i have munchies like things in a bag(chips, cereals, crackers)...i feel more satisfied without even overeating...however, i also like munchies like cookies and cheese its and i want healthier munchies...i do munch on baby carrots, cheerios, baked chips, and granola(i know its high calorie though) and those garden harvest banana chips and pretzels but are there any other healthy munchie ideas? i want satisfying foods...things higher in good fats and calories often satisfy me without going out of control(like peanut er) and i want other munchies that i can eat straight out of a box or sumthing like chips...only not that unhealthy

How to detect and block viruses?

Does anyone know how to prevent the download of viruses and bots to my computer? I know my downloads are not the cleanest but they are nessicary. Is there a program i can use that would unbind viruses from my desirered downloads? My computer does detect viruses on some downloads but it obviously does not give me the option to delete the virus and save the file it only wants me to delete the downloaded material. Once again these downloads are nesicary, thanks for any tips and sorry for any typos as i am still not used to the itouch keypad.

My sister is perfect and good at everything?

Let me first explain some things about me. I'm 11 and my sister just turned 13 a few weeks ago. I am lazy, really really lazy and I read manga all day and sit on m watching tv. I never want to try anything new because I know I will always be compared to my older sis. She has had horse back ridding lessons (at least a year) tennis, karate (she got to black belt!!) and much more and she is always a natural at it! She is incredible at the violin and she is in a jazz dance team and a hiphop dance team for Pacific coast academy of dance and (after an audition and an interview) excepted into the Laguna playhouse Conversatory for prodigies (acting). She is an incredible singer and has a singing coach and even her singing coach was amazed at her singing! She has sang in a recording studio and everything! She even is a great drawer she draws really pretty anime girls and I get SOO jealous! I can't act, sing, dance, horseback ride, kick above my head (my sister can WAAAY above her head), play tennis, or the violin. Not mention everywhere we go people are always commenting on how beautiful she is. She has so many friends and she popular and has a really cute boyfriend. I'm so jealous please help!!!

Cosmetic surgery, i need advice???

I had a uplift and enlargement last october and paid �6600.00 for this, i have noticed for a while that one is a lot harder and fuller than the other. I cant afford another operation to correct this, will the hospital or surgeon help with this or not??

Is a 5x114.3 bolt pattern the same as a 5x4.5?

I'm looking to buy custom wheels for my 1977 Chrysler New Yorker in a size 23 (inch), but when searching I see 5x114.3 instead of 5x4.5 in the searches.

Does "tax deductible" work for EU residents also?

That's a question for the Hungarian tax authorities. The website is referring to possible Canadian tax treatment since it's a Canadian school.

What type of diet may contribute to gall bladder disease?

I've heard of the "3 F's", fat, forty and female. But none of the people I know who have had gall bladder disease fall under these catagories. One thing that seems to be a trigger is rapid weight loss (okay, maybe "fat" does fit the profile). But I was just wondering about the overall effects of diet in general.

How to go about junking a car?

I have a parts car i'd like to get rid of. I figure best bet is to just give it to a junk yard. I dont really want anything for it, i definitely dont want to pay for someone to accept it, and i'd like to avoid hauling it to a junk yard, as i'd have to rent a trailer. It's just a bare chis with the windshield and gas tank still intact, everything else has been stripped and its just sitting on a dolly right now. Whats the process of junking a car? Any help would be appreciated.

Need help with a chocolate lab puppy afraid of water,, tub, hose, pool,, streams, beach, HELP please.!?

We have had him since pup no trauma,, it is just unreal that it is happening,, we cant even get him to enjoy himself, and its unreal for us,, Please, my husband , myself, and daughter all need your help,, He is very heavy and really big to be thrown in or even dragged in,, this included the kiddie pool we got him and not to mention the inside bathtub,,,, He is afraid of everything,, garbage cans,, new things that come into house, snowmen,, I think you get the picture,, why and please help... A lab is a natural for water, I thought most if not all dogs were.. At least all the ones we have always owned pure and mutts...

Do you like these girl names?

Hi, I saw that you like Raine, Raven, and a few others and I think you might like my name Rayna (Ray-na) I like Adabelle or just Bell or Ziphora and another name I'd like to suggest is Anabelle or Anabeth

Insurance - best process for having my roof repaired from storm damage?

Nathan, You can do it either way you want. Insurance companies have their "approved contractors" lists because supposedly those people will do a good job cheaper for them. No matter who you have do it for you, your deduct able will be the same either way. I would say this... Whoever you choose, you want to be confident that they will do a good job for you.

What if you pray and never get a breakthrough how would you feel?

surpose the more you pray the more it seem like bad things are happen to you. like you are losing a every thing in life

Help: Taking Yasmin, need answers ASAP!?

last week my period came on while i was taking my last week of active pills, today i started my inactive pills...why did this happend, this is my first time taking them...yasmin birth control or any birth control pill for that matter...what is goin on?

What dates were these organizations incorporated?

Suggest you try a search engine like Click Advanced Search. In the box labeled Exact Phrase, type in the name of one organization. The search results will likely include the home page of the organization. Once you get there, look for a section like "About" or something like that. A history of the organ. will likely be there. I tried Omega Psi Phi and Delta Sigma Theta. It looks like both started at Howard Univ. Dates of founding and/or incorporation are in the sites. This search strategy will probably work for the last 2 organizations, too.

I need a second opinion..?

I've been going out with a guy named Yanick for 10 months and we've been all good. He always says he loves me. He always holds me like i'm breakable since he's like really muscular and im just a spout compared to him. And I feel it in his eyes that e really does love me. He always reaches to my hand to hold it. He takes care of me if i'm not feeling well. Like today I was soar everywhere and I had a headache and I was freezing outside and he held my face to his chest so I wouldn't be cold and so that I wouldn't have to hold up my own head cause it was really soar and he would hold me close to him like I was breakable and it was amazing., I felt so safe with him. And he always says the sweetest things just to make me smile. I love him., he told me that he loved me. And, I think it's really true just by the way that he treats me. He calls me all the time. He makes sure that I dont get hurt and if I do, he's always there helping me and everything. I just want a second opinion on him.., Does he really love me??.. Pleaseee if you can post as many positive comments but be honest! Pleaseeeeee I need a second opinion, because my last 3 boyfriends cheated on me and I just wanna have a good guy? Is he a good guy? I think he is and I think he loves me but, I need a second opinion.

What is our goal in Libya?

Our goal is to protect the rebels and civilians from Qaddafi's air forces, so that they have a fighting chance of retaking their country.

How can i get money fast?

I need like 70$ how can i get it? Im 14 is there any jobs out there besides baby sitting and besides those crappy online surveys that dont even pay you back (cuz ive tried surveys before.) please hel p i need the money. thx

Which Day Is the Sabbath?

So basically you are saying that christians have it wrong and that Sunday is not the day to worship. They are following what some religious leader dictated hundreds of years ago instead of what God dictated, this is different from any other religion? How? And please don't expect me to be estatic when you tell me that if I worship on Saturday and yet still follow the other 'religious' guidelines I am any better off.

The flower garden has the shape of a right triangle. 15 ft of a perennial border forms the hypotenuse of the?

The flower garden has the shape of a right triangle. 15 ft of a perennial border forms the hypotenuse of the triangle, and one leg is 3 ft longer than the other leg. Find the lengths.

Does anyone else find this statement more than a little hollow?

Of course it's ridiculous, they (the portuguese police) made a complete -up of this investigation, otherwise it would have been solved long ago.

Where can i find this?

ok you know those kool words that peple use when they im you and their all creative and stuff well i was always wondering where i can finfd them because i nvr can?

Nhs dental waiting lists?

I was just wondering if anyone else has had this trouble. In August I had toothache so I went to my dentist and they told me I needed my wisdom tooth removed. They gave me an X ray and told me that they wouldn't be able to take it out as it might be buried in a nerve in my lower jaw. They said they would have to refer me to my local hospital where they would remove it for me. I was told this was standard practice and a really common procedure so they referred me. About a month later I received a letter with my appointment for the beginning of October. I umed this was for my tooth extraction as my dentist knew I was in agony with the pain. I attended the appointment and it turned out to be a consultation which lasted less than 5 minutes. I explained at this appointment how much pain I was in but they still said they would have to put me on the waiting list for an appointment but couldn't say when that would be. I phoned them every week to find out when my appointment would be and if they could fit me in sooner as the pain was gradually increasing and it was effecting everything from me not being able to eat to not sleeping for days. No painkillers were working. I eventually received a letter with my appointment for Febuary, 6 months after I first went to the dentist in pain and 4 months after the 5 min hospital consultation. A couple of times since I received my appointment I have phoned the hospital to see if I can get it any sooner. The first time I called they were very understanding and said they would put me on the emergency list. a couple of weeks later I phoned again to see if anything had changed and I spoke to someone different who was also very understanding and said they would put me on the emergency list. I thought this was a bit strange as I was already told I had been put on it and when I asked her she said there must have been some sort of mix up. So here I am now a month to go, dentist says they can't help me, hospital keep putting me on imaginary emergency list and doctor has got me taking 3 sets of painkillers every 2 hours for the pain. Still can't eat properly, sleep is minimal, my life is a nightmare because of this. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this or if anyone can give me any advice or help on what to do as I'm really suffering. Sorry for rambling on but hope you understand my frustration. Thank you for taking the time to read this and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Need help fast with my dachsund mix puppy!?

He's a great puppy - energetic and fun - until we put a collar on him. Then he just turns into a doorstop! I've had it on him for 3 full days and 2 nights, and the poor little thing is miserable. He acts like he's being severly punished (no, it's not at all too tight, and is a soft fabric). PLEASE help if you've had this problem. Really want to know if it can be overcome without scarring him for life. Thank you!!!

Where can i find free sheet music for the piano part for beethoven's triple concerto online?

Free public domain sheet music from IMSLP / Petrucci Music Library. Jump to: navigation, search. Contents. 1 Music Files. 1.1 Full Scores; 1.2 Parts. 1.2.1 Violin solo .... Great Recordings Of The Century - Beethoven: Triple Concerto; ... Instrumentation, Solo Piano, Violin, and Cello; Flute, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets,

Blower Motor just runs on High setting?

95 GMC Sierra, fan just works on high, also dash vents not working, just defrost and floor, any one have any ideas?

Virtual villagers 4 breeding help?

i was making children and put a male and female in the hut and they didn't make children so i put them in again several times and it didn't work my female villager who was breeding was 59 years old and the male was 61 is it that their too old???

Gall stones!?


Which is the best handheld battery operated vacuum?

useful for quick pick-ups and cleans. Like the swiffer sweeper vac used in USA. And where is it available?

I really want a snake but my mom is petrified of snakes and wont let me have one?

i have two lizards and my mom is ok with them but i really wont a snake can i have some tips on how i can convince her thank you

Have your allergies gone into overdrive?

Yep, for the first time in my life, I got hay fever this year. The doctors told me it was perfectly normal in pregnancy due to all those crazy hormones but I couldn't imagine continuing all through the summer with watery eyes, a stuffy nose and cotton wool head. (Baby isn't due till late July.) Fortunately, the doc found some great herbal remedy that you can take in pregnancy and it really did the trick! So now am a heavily pregnant, hay fever free, happy mum-to-be!

Death quotations. personal opinion?

'And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgement, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.'

Has the euro and the dollar ever gone in the same direction - both up or both down for any time period?

Yes. But you must be comparing them to another currency. So the euro and the dollar could go down relative to AUD. How would you sell a currency without buying another?

What would cause af like cramping at only 2DPO!!?

I know I had this when I was pregnant with my daughter, around 2-3 DPO I got Af cramping and twinges in my ovaries!, could this be why? has this ever happened to you?

Hate email from ex fired co worker.?

He sounds like a dog who is "all bark and no bite"...always fear those who stay silent and say nothing...those are the ones who'll come back with the saw-offed shotgun!...this guy is just ranting and raving cuz he's pissed he lost his job...sounds like a bunch of hot air...

My husband and I filed jointly, but I received $600.00. We qualified for $1200.00. Is another check coming?

Nope, you only get one. Not everyone will get the full refund, some people don't get anything at all. You should look at the IRS website, they will give you the ranges of where people fall with income, etc. and what they qualify for.

I didnt get a birthday present?

Awwww! Well I would have like a little family meeting with your brother and then he leaves and just with your parents. u can talk to them about what is bothering you and u can all write down suggestions to fix the problem. they might even offer to buy you a late b-day present! just talk to them. :)

Recovering from shingles. Tired rash still here.?

I am so tired! Is that normal? All and all I guess I had a mild case comparatively speaking. The other thing that concerns me is that the cluster skin rash is still there after 12 days. It doesn't hurt anymore but it doesn't look like the typical blisters with scabbing. They just seem to be shrinking.

Many Christians are good people but isn't Christianity now overshadowed by a hard-core bunch of gay bashers?

There are legit christians, but many are phobic. They may not be violent, but their words are. They claim "ity is a choice", but that contradicts the latest scientific experiment on the brains of uals and s (I also know myself, being gay, that it's something you have since birth, I myself discovered I was gay around age 5). Basically, everything they're saying about gay people is false, and they need to grow up. Even though I'm an atheist, I don't mean to offend anyone's religion, but sometimes I think people take advantage of their religion and their bible and "paraphrase" content in it to meet their specific agenda for hate. You can tell they're doing this because they ignore the fact that gluttony is a sin, as well as wearing certain fibers, yet they ignore that, and persecute the gays. It doesn't add up, does it.

Why do some women laugh watching action movies?

I dont know, that is something to think about. I think Steven Seagull movies are hilarious, even though he is not trying to be funny. That big man practicing Buddhism. LOL How serious he looks and how he always got to win in his movies cracks me up.

How many good years do you think Kobe has?

The fact that he is putting 25-5-5 at age 32, with a bum knee, and mangled fingers says something about his greatness, and his indomitable will. I think Kobe have 2-3 more years of these type of numbers, and at least another 2 years at an All-Star level.

I just downloaded wmp 11 and there r no songs in my library i try to add them and it wont add them wht do i do

I would sugest not to use wmp for your music, but just download winamp. It has much more possibilities an easier to transfere your music to you music library. You can even listen to your favorite musicstation because Shoutcast Radio is standard in winamp. Has great skins to.

Should I color my hair with L'Oreal Feria or Sally Beauty Supply dye?

I think you should go to a salon and have a professional stylist do it for you. I'm a hairstylist myself and We get so many people that spend $10-$20 on home hair color, they destroy their hair and then they come into the salon to have it fixed. People end up spending way more on color correction then if they just would have had a stylist do it in the first place. Besides not all people that work at Sally's are trained to give you color advice.

Zelda, Ocarina of Time: how to remove the boulder in the well?

So I drained the well and I have the spygl thing, but I can't move the damn boulder at the bottom. Can't blow it up, can't lift it, etc. How do I get rid of it?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What to do with relatives?Should I say some apologies?

I was invited to the kind of an event by my aunt's family in L.A. All my relatives from all over the U.S will be there. I came fr other country to study and living in northern CA. Since I have to work, I told her I cannot come, but she desperately want me to, but I am still not going. I just realize she will probably be disappointed but the event is tomorrow and I am feeling extremely unease right now. I should tell you guys what the event is about, it is for my grandfather who died when I was in kindergarten. Tomorrow is the anniversary and they are going to says prayers for him. I was not thinking too much about it. Now I am feeling kind of guilty for not going. I just started driving, and I can go with one of my aunt who live in San Francisco. I am so indecisive and not ready, but do you guys think, they will really be disappointed or something? It is not that I don't want to but I can't get up and go right now. Thank you.

Question concerning Romans 13:1-2?

Suffering is how we grow....not much fun but true. How many of us are willing to walk in the furnace....not knowing if we will burn or see God walking with us. I'm willing to die for my faith but its so much harder to live for it. And I'm willing to...are you my friends?

Opinions for subwoofer upgrades?

ive heard alot of subs and honestly i think that Rockford is the way to go pricey but defenitly worth it.

What is the current legality of Marijuana in the U.S.?

Laws vary by state, though state law is superseded by federal law which clifies cannabis as a Schedule I substance, the same clification as heroin and LSD. The United States Supreme Court has ruled in Gonzales v. Raich that the federal government has a right to regulate and criminalize cannabis, even for medical purposes. In 2009 the Attorney General directed federal prosecutors to back away from medical marijuana patients in those states with local laws legalizing medical use.

Hi, how do i pick-up an adopted cat?

Hi, i want to adopt a cat in a shelter located in upstate, but i live in NYC. How do i pick up a cat that is really far!! is driving their the only option?

What would you suggest as a job for a person like me?

anything cosmetology would probably work for you since thats what you're studying for anyway...maybe a meuse would work out for you as well, you don't have to work at a fast pace, I ume there's minimal paperwork if any at all, plus the pay is decent if you're good at it.

Is anyone else here about to lose their mind over this 2012 crap?

I mean, seriously, how gullible do you have to be to fall for this Nibiru/asteroid/comet doomsday crap?! How do those of you who have been in the astronomy section of Y!A for much longer than I keep your sanity when exposed to such an ignorant populace?

Are Jehovah's Witnesses taught that?

All religions belief the same thing. How many people from other religions accuse us of being Satan worshipers ?

2nd 16 bars to what I wrote awhile ago.....?

I liked this one better than the first verse, don't get me wrong the first was good but this was really good...9/10 I"d say based on emotion and rhyme scheme (no repeat words) do you have a hook yet?

Has there been an increase in the amount of Christian doctrine inspired movies of late?

There was a Noah’s Ark movie, the Dr. Seuss movie out now with definite religious undertones, a Ben Stein movie highlighting the persecution of ID believing “scientists,” two movies about abortion, Juno and Bella…this is just what I can remember off the top of my head; has it always been this way or do you think movie producers are changing tactics to halt the growing popularity of the secular movement? Or maybe they’re trying to counter the popularity of the Harry Potter movies?

Are Skyline R34s legal in Canada (currently)?

If you are serious about the car, just ask the seller directly. I would guess that he has gone through a registered importer and gotten papers for it. It is likely graymarket, however, as his papers may have the car titled as an older model, or as a completely different vehicle altogether.

I've lost my trainers and need two pairs before Friday.?

I'm thirteen and I've lost two pairs of trainers, both costing 45 quid. I need two new pairs; a pair of astro turf and a pair of football boots with studs. My dad will get really angry if he knows I've lost them. How can I get him to get them before Friday, without getting upset or angry?

When the subway or BART train goes underneathe stretches of water, like through a bay or lake,?

I go through the san francisco bay to Oakland sometimes and I was wondering if the tunnel gets built in the water or do they dig a tunnel in the earth underneath the water? and what happens if a earthquake would hit an you were down there, would it be like Indiana Jones temple of doom with all that water shooting down the tunnel?

What was the robin william movie where?

where it showed different periods of time with robin williams playing the leading character in all of them. there was a caveman time where they were sent away. there was the greek time where williams was in love with his slave. there was also the modern time with a divorced man

I am a little over 11 weeks pregnant with my second baby. Pregnancy Pillow advice?

I'm already experiencing back pain and some hip pain while sleeping and I am looking into a pregnancy pillow. With my daughter I used the boppy full body pregnancy pillow and within 2 or 3 months of sleeping on it, it flattened out like a pan cake and did nothing for me. I don't mind spending some money on a good pillow as long as it will last me the duration of the pregnancy! Any recommendations on a good pregnancy pillow because, ouch my aching back! Thanks!

Attach wave files together?

Its something to do with the antribuator or radical X disc file....not sure exactly. But I think kellie is right

Are doritos spicy nacho chips Halal In Canada?

are doritos spicy nacho chips Halal in Canada? Because it says it has cheddar cheese, and cheddar cheese has rennet in it. Also, im hanafi, so from a hanafi perspective. Also please if you can include some proof.

What to do...?

Every time my fiance's 3 yr old daughter comes from spending time with her mother she comes home using profanity, which she does not use when she is with us(because we don't say bad words around her). Also she comes home mocking things that her mother says. Things like "If I'm not good, mama's going to call the police on me," or "If I'm not good mama said the boogie man is going to get me." Her mother is not excatly motherly material... but is there a way we can reinforce to her that police are here to help, and not be afraid of them, and that there is no such thing as the boogie man. I'm asking this because we ran into a police officer in the market yesterday and she started screaming at the top of her lungs because her "mama says police will get me if I'm bad." It's just a phrase her mother uses to get the little one off of her back if she's acting up. My fiance has talked to her mother about this.. but talking to her is like talking to a brick wall. Any suggestions?

Is this the image you want to reflect??

all the bickering and name calling,finger pointing,is this really indicative of the filipino character

What 3m adesive is this?

i am restoring a chevy luv pick up truck and i just received a new dash pad for it. (not a dash cap, but the actual dash with padding and vinyl covering). i checked in the shop manual and it says to use a 3M adhesive 1300 EC to glue it to the metal dash. well that product is 30 years old now and i cannot find it anywhere. so i am trying to find the newest, best, closest thing to it. if anybody is a 3m adhesive expert i would greatly appreciate the help.

Smokin while pregnant?

my sis is pregnant and shes been smokin the whole time she had been goin to the doctor and all seems normal but i dont think its all right. I talked to her bout it and shes like my doctor said its okay to smoke as long as im havin prenatal care. WOW THATS LAME!!! and shes due in november but what do u think! pleez tell me if im wrong here now!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are Muslims so tolerant of the radicals among them?

They all seem to be the same, and want the same things. World domination and death to America. So, in essence, they are all radicals.

Nottingham history question?

i go 2 fitness first gym ,someone jumped out ov there window a week ago she was only marrid 2 months..sorry idont know ur answer

My friend is real mean to me wat do i do?!?

O.K so my friend she came over and we went sledding...then when we came back she said "can i borrow some clothes?!" and she wasn't that wet?! so i let her borrow my pants, tank top, shoes, hair pin, socks, and my FAVORITE shirt (all in one day)! well i gave her my favorite shirt (i didn't want to) cause she said "aww i wish i had this shirt! i don't have any long shirt to wear" and she has plenty! plus i invited her to go to bowling and she was so rude! (my church bowling) and said to my friend Alexis "come on Alexis! at LEAST try to play your best!" and my sister was all like "Were just having fun! and yes she is doing her best" and my rude friend just like "well try HARDER?!" and plus my mean friend was LOSING!.........SOMEONE HELP i can't get away from my rude friend cause shes always hanging around with my BFFL! I'm always nice to her but she so mean to me! some please tell me what i should do!

What are the sympotoms after getting a hysterectomy and ovaries being taken out?

my mom just got a hysterectomy and she also got her ovaries taken out with the uterus SO. what are the symptoms during recovery that she could experience?

Want to help a male turn a little more femine?

I have been interested in the feminne side of things for a little while and want to try some of it out. How is this possible? What are some necessities that I would need in clothing. It would be cool to have a wardroab that was non gneder specific!. Like included both genders of clothing. I’m not looking for “cross dressing” that is stupid (sorr if I offended people just some words on how to add somethings femine to my life. I wouldn’t be opposed to a dress now or then or afrench manicure. Any ideas and if anyone is willing to help me find this just respond to the email. I’m in upstate South Carolina

How do you paraphrase "if there is something not clear". I think this is not quite good English?

I would use 'if anything is unclear'. However, since the recipient of the letter will need to contact your finance office if there is an issue, I would scrap the second sentence altogether in favor of something like, "Please contact our finance office at xxxxxx if anything is unclear."

How can methanol be highly flammable if its boiling point is 64.7 degrees Celsius?HELP!?

since methanol has the lowest molar m I do understand that it is the alcohol that evaporates easier than say ethanol or propanol. Our body temperature never exceeds 40 degrees celsius. yet they say that it is the vapor that causes the nausea and blindness. I dont see how methanol can go from liquid to vapor. PLEASE HELP ME

Penalizing women for not reporting domestic violence?

If that was implemented in the Violence Against Women law, would cops and courts find it enforceable?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Can you please put a conclusion to my essay, because i don't really know what to write!?

I don't think it needs a final paragraph. You have the makings of a very good writer, by the way. I'd suggest, though, that you step away from this essay for a little while, then go back and proofread. With a clear head, you can decide if you still need a final bit of a conclusion.

Help! rabbit missing fur?

it is probally a phantom pregnancy, i work with rabbits that do it all the time and a few that actually diliver and they will puull out all the fur on their belliy and sides so that they are bald there, no worries as long as she is eatting and behaving normally she should be fine

New altered type of HIV?

There are different Strains of HIV...It is highly unlikely they could alter HIV to a New virus...combine strains, maybe, but even those would be, it's not true. rest easy

I want to commit suicide?

the truth is that its just a movie and you should refrain from wathing any more in the fruture since its obviesly harming you these are unnessaserry worries and you should talk to some one about it or it could scar you forever

They have made a dubbed version of zero no tsukaima but where can i find it?

if you want to watch the dubbed version of that series, go to myspace and type the following into the search bar: The Familiar of Zero Episode 1 English Dubbed and select the link by the user called Anime. One thing, though, only the first season's been dubbed so far. I hope this helps.

Chemistry -vapor pressure?

A solution is prepared by mixing 112.0 g glucose C6H12O6 and 722.0 g water. What is the vapor pressure of this solution (torr) at 25.0 C ? The solute is non-volatile. Pure water has a vapor pressure of 23.8 torr at 25 C.

Help me with my art project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

With reference of the artworks made by some artist(impressionist), discuss in what ways is an impressionist painting a breakthrough at that time(the time when impressionism was trending)

Dog has cracked paw pad's, what to do?

They sell pad spray at pet shops or a Tractor supply. My dog did this same thing and my vet gave me a spray and the name of it was pad spray. It does work. You can also try Vaseline and lotion. My vet also said lotion will work to. It is probably a cheaper fix and you already have it at home.

With Casio Cameras can you take black and white pics?

I got a Casio Camera for x mas and i was wondering how do u take black and white pics? Can you also tell me if it doesnt take black and white pics how do i print it black and white? Thanks so much for your help.

I think it's really unfair that asking a question costs 5 points off your total. I mean, the questions are the

reason I come here. Why penalize for asking a question? I know the whole point system really means nothing, but it is the priciple of the whole thing. LOL. Does anyone agree with my view on this matter? Just curious.

Why do artists suffer so much, is it God's will that we suffer to be great?

Michael Angelo, Leonardo Di Vinchi, both men were internally tortured throughout their lives. Salvador Dali was sadistic, yet a genius. Why do artists suffer so much?

Ways to flirt with an older guy?

wink at him a lot, like at least 5 times an hour, make sure you wear sungles around him so he knows you're cool. laugh at everything he says, bend over in front of him, stare at his crotch a lot and make sure he notices.

What are your fears of an Obama presidency?

Will Al Sharpton really be sec'y of state? Jessie Jackson said on CNN that he is "bringing together talent" to brainstorm just such a possibility. Obama said that he will have to raise taxes and may want to move troops into the mountains of Pakistan. What are we in for? Is Hillary any better?

I am asking how to get a barrel racing horse to stop kicking after each barrel.?

i am 14 and am going to a rodeo in 4 days and my horse has started kicking after each barrel and i was wondering how to stop her. she is a quarter horse and has had my whole family has riden her but mainly my younger sister and i think she picked up a habit. since she has got a new horse i have been riding her and i nearly fell off when she kicked up

When reporting an offense to the F.B.I, do they reveal you to the offender?

No, it's against the law. If it was a serious enough crime, like a murder or a robbery or something, that could put your life in danger and they'd put you in the witness protection program. That's why they have 2 way mirrors etc.



What black woman sang "God Bless America" in Washington during escalating civil rights tensions?

She was invited by the U.S. President at the time because she was denied the right to sing somewhere else. I don't know if it was at the capital building or Washington Monument...?

I saw my teacher drunk at a concert!!?

If you're underaged, forget the incident + hope she doesn't find out about your drinking. She's an adult of legal drinking age, even drunk it was her decision to do what she did. You're not, so your boozing + maybe being at the concert illegally is more of an issue.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I've been summoned by court for careless without due consideration and driving with excess alchohol.?

You may just get a suspended sentence unless they decide to make an example of you. To be honest serves your right, my family member was killed by a drunk driver.

Why is Pacquiao is fighting Cotto and not Mosley?

Don't get me wrong Cotto is a great fighter, but I feel if Pac really wanted to seal his greatness with the boxing gods a Mosley win would definitely seal that. They got a reality check and went with Cotto.

Unconditional Election. Do you believe it?

I believe in Unconditional Election mainly because there is so much proof in the Word of God that God chooses who will be saved from sin and who will not. Mathew 13:11 states; "The secrets of the kingdom of Heaven have been given to you, but not to them." Clearly speaking, God is referring to the elect.

How do I compare 2 eye prescriptions ...?

Hmm, that is quite a difference, especially for the right eye. I'd say maybe go with the second one because the reading addition is a little bit higher than the first one... which means you won't have to change your reading gles for a year or two longer. But that is quite strange, difficult to tell which is the correct one as either could be right!

Is there a lighthouse near Liberty Island?

Obviously, I'm not from NY. I was recently one of the dreaded 'tourist' that New Yorkers hate to see coming :). While riding the Staten Island Ferry I noticed what looks like a small lighthouse in the harbor. it's quite small, & sits on the island by itself...actually, I'm not even sure it's an island, it could almost be a manmade structure. I took pictures, but haven't uploaded them yet. I tried to look it up to find out whether or not it actually is, but every time I do a search for lighthouses in that area the only thing I come up with is the Statue of Liberty. Does anyone know?

Can lizards be protective of their owners ?

My boyfriends iguana seems get jealous when I get to close to him and tries to get in between us, pushing me away. Whats that about?

Would body wash be a good lube alternative?

you CANNOT use anything other than lubricants that are made especially for the . using anything else is dangerous for a women and can cause severe problems. never, ever use any other oils or vaseline. KY Jelly is the best and it's not expensive. if your girlfriend has an odor she probably has an infection and should definately see a doctor because she could give it to you so you should tell her. you would only be helping her out.

What state is right for me?

my ma wants one that has opportunities for child life specialist ad she wants a good snowy winter an i want a 90 degree summer ANYTHING BUT CALIFORNIA MAYBE WYOMING

How do I put up with her obsessive behaviour?

You can either have it out with her and tell her to back off and accept you the way you are, or you can clean up your act a little at least while she's there. It won't kill you to tidy up for your guest will it?

How do you import all iTunes music to BearShare?

I recently found out about BearShare. For a lot of music, it doesnt let me transfer downloaded music from BearShare to my iTunes library ("protected WMA format"). How do I get all of my iTunes music to BearShare to sync my iPod to that?


The legendary King of Pop, Michael Jackson, ped away on Thursday, June 25, 2009, at 2:26 p.m. It is believed he suffered cardiac arrest in his home R.I.P MICHAEL DOES ANY ONE KNOWS WHEN IS HIS FUNERAL??

Am I wrong to feel this way?

My girlfriend wants to party. I don't. I don't like drinking or partying and I think it's dumb if someone HAS to have alcohol or party to have fun. Here's the thing. I just turned 25 and she's 19... (this may be the difference here as I'm more mature and she's still growing up). I personally don't want her going out to parties getting drunk and stuff. I kno people are going to be like, man you need to trust her and blah blah blah. This isn't a trust issue, as I know she loves me and wouldn't do anything to put that into jeopardy. I just don't want her to go out partying when she could be spending the time with me either bowling or going to the movies or a dinner date. She says she does it to meet friends and parties are dumb unless you're drinking. I ask her why can't she meet people in a more respectable environment?? Like at the gym or in cl or in her dorm... I don't and possibly never will, get why people have to have alcohol for a good time... Sorry it's so long, but please answer why I felt so hurt when she KNOWINGLY went to a party and drank when I asked her not to? It's like she didn't care at all about my feelings. We've been dating 8 months. Lived together this summer.

Which state produces the best talent when it comes to football?

Me being from Louisiana, I say it's us because pound for pound we have put out some of the best talent this league has ever seen(Bradshaw, Faulk, Manning, Dunn) and many more. every year we have more and more players come out of the state of Louisiana as high prospects. This past year John Curtis High School defeated Hoover High (from MTV's two a days) and yet they recieved no respect for that. For the size of our state and our LSU fighting tigers being in the national spotlight. I think we produce the best highschool football players in the country.If you think your state is the best , please explain.

Is fear of God's punishment by accepting of gays or non-Christians, encourage their persecution by Christians?

Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and many other Chritians believe things like huricanes, terrorist attacks or anything else bad that happens to America is caused by gays, abortions--basically anything they disagree with.

Would you agree that losing seasons make you appreciate winning more when you start to win?

Yes I completely agree...this coming from a Browns fan. If we win 8 games I'm excited. Too most teams...that's pathetic haha. Of course last year they went back to how they used to be. But still haha.

Big lump on forehead plus swollen eye?

This morning I woke up with a hugely puffy swollen eyelid. It's itchy too. And over the day I've had a lump that's kind of been getting bigger above the eye on my forehead. It's only on the left side of my face. I was concerned because I live in dorm type housing and the girl next door woke up with a big lump on her forehead too. She went to the doctor and they told her she had shingles. Could that be what I have? Is that even contagious? Her lump has blisters on it but mine doesn't.

Guinea pig floor covering?

Hi my partner (being the handy man that he is) built me a guinea pig hutch out of wood. What should I use as floor covering so that the piggy urine doesn't soak into the wood? Can I use straw?

What is the objection to split infinitives?

Yep, boldly go. The one that annoys me is the use of "isn't it true?" by Perry Mason and other US lawyers in dramas. The answer is always the reverse of what it should be.

What is "getting a load on"?

Tonight at church my pastor said, during his sermon, "i know you wouldn't like it if you found out your pastor was getting a load on. You wouldn't like it if your pastor was viewing ." He said it in the context of pastors being held to a higher standard because they have to be an example for the entire congregation. Thanks.


please help i have a boyfriend and the first time we had he got me pregnant the condom broke im soooo scared to tell mt parents i took a pregnancie test and it came back positive i take full responsiblility for what happend i have even gotten a job and have like 10000 dollars in my savings account from years of allowance and birthday money and birthdays and commmunion so now i have a job i no i can take care of this baby but im sooooo scared any advice or uplifting words please no critism i cant take it

I'm a Freshman, but m i the only one not dating anybody?

In high school no matter where look theres couples....really depressing i mean i know im not the only one but seriously and its not just like uperclmen but even freshmen............i know i shouldn't just go out with someone just to fit in....but i feel so like left behind.....Like everyone knows other ppl from like northvale harringtonpark oldtappan(surronding towns)...i only kow ppl from norwood(my town...btw in newjersy so kow one gets cofused).........

Can I cut installed Vinyl Fencing?

there are two panels of my installed vinyl fence that need to be higher due to drainage problems. These panels are facing the driveway while the others are on the sort of an L shape. Anyway, can i cut and what would I need to do and what tools would I need. If I can't cut what other option do I have. I just don't know so please don't criticize me for the questions i ask.

Question for pagans and wiccans i am considering being friends with a mormon who doesnt know im?

pagan. i am out of closet but i dont talk about my religion. no need right. should i er bring this up. right now. so as not to have to later? how should i do that? like..yeah coffee would be great..btw im know a nature with you? or do you think im evil and should be burned?

Want to have without condoms but scared - for different reasons?

Hi there. My longterm boyfriend and I are discussing having without condoms. He has had a vasectomy from a previous unsuccessful marriage so there's not much risk of pregnancy (he's had a sperm count test done and i've seen the result) We have also had blood tests done although I have never had unprotected . The problem is with me. I find it kind of weird thinking of a guy coming inside me. I know that's what supposed to happen between a man and a woman but I find it kind of icky. He's not pressurising me in the slightest and is happy to keep using condoms but I would like to do this but cant seem to get past this fear. Can anyone help?

Place 10 drops of pure hexane in an evaporating dish. Set the evaporating dish on a wire guaze under the?

student hood and ignite the liquid from above with a burning wood splint. What are the gaseous products of this reaction?

If a scientific principle is established in one area ?

Only rational people accept established scientific principles, anyone that believes in fairy tales could care less about facts.

There was a girl band in a magazine a month or so ago. They all had short hair and it looked like they all?

had similar haircuts. It was either in Allure, Lucky, Glamour, or one of those magazines. Does anybody know the name of that band?

Why cant u hear it?

ok, so you know how you can download this piercing high pitch sound as your ringtone for your cell phone. Why is it that over a certain age you cant hear it anymore? like over 18 or 21 or something, your not able to hear the high pitched sound...ppl do it in my cl and the teachers nvr catch em but the kids r always looking around the room and the teachers like wat r u doing? lol.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

When your credit rating is too low and no one wants to help you consolidate, how do you pay off debt?

At one point, we were trying for a would have paid off all our debt at the same amount per month that I'm currently paying for a car loan. We didn't qualify due to a bad credit rating. Who is willing to work with us without having to declare bankrupcy? We don't want debt solutions as an answer because it means we would lose even more credit rating, right?

Is this an ok camera?

no way, this is a very low quality camera, it may be branded hitachi, but its actually a vivitar. when you shop for a camera, dont just look for megapixel,but also for lens quality, gl lens is superior to plastic lens, and gl lenses from known lens manufacturers like zeizz or nikon, will be superior to no brand lenses. consider a low end Nikon l11 instead, its close to the price and the quality is much better.

Did anyone else notice the Ares 1-X rocket came very close to "wobbling" into the launch tower at liftoff?

I didn't hear any comments from the ground crew, but I was startled by how unsteady it seemed, then it rolled over so quickly after launch. Was that planned, too?

Which statement about taxes is true?

A. is the correct answer Federal taxes are based only on how much you make in a year. As the income increases the taxes in course will increase but will not decrease. Federal taxes is a percentage of your taxable Gross Income which is a standard percentage for everyone in the United States so federal taxes are not based on what state you live. The only taxes that are based on where you live is your State and township taxes. Gross income is how much taxable income you make in the tax year. Taxes are not based on your age.

How will Obama handle this new crisis?

He will ask us to shift to a new world currency which is his long term goal to begin with and he said that years ago!!!

How can the Atheist not believe even after the Bible predicted earthquakes, strange moons & nuke meltdowns?

Because predicting future earthquakes is like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow. "Strange moons" WTF. The Bible said no such thing about nuke meltdowns, or any other modern technology. That's evidence that ignorant barbarians wrote the Bible, because they didn't have a clue about the future. Why didn't the Bible predict man flying to the moon? It didn't because the ancient barbarians could never had fathomed such a thing. Why do you believe in a God that has the intellect of bronze age savages?

What do you think of these baby names?

Isla sounds too much like Island for me, Nahla reminds me of the Lion king, Ellia i like reminds me of Elia meaning "God has answered" so if your christian I'd go with that one. Mazer i like cause it seems more unique to me, but i feel its the name someone would tilt their head and go, Mazer? So i pick Rory though that reminds me too much of GIlmore Girls (loved the show though)

I'm planning to petting fishes in uk.?

Try an Aqua One 620. 90 liter so you can have community or some angels or Kribensis. Quite expensive but well woth it

Doctor Please? Bad heartburn or something worse?! Please I can't see the doctor?

I live in the UK and have had the same as you for the past few days but I do not normally drink fizzy juice like coca cola or similar and I had a gl a few days ago and it was just after that the heartburn started. I also have gallstones so I have to be careful with what UI eat but with you not normally eating the mexican food it could have been that it was too spicy for your stomach or the gingerale could be causing it.? I found that a hot water bottle helped the pain and stopped the gurgling in my stomach it was ok today. I also tried half gl warm water with some bicarb of soda which makes you burp lots but helps the heartburn. Good Luck

Question for anyone who's got a big after pregnancy!?

LOL! yea I've always had a big . not only is it comfortable but my husband LOVES IT!. lol personally i think flat ed girls dont look right, makes them look like skinny little boys. i always think women look better with some meat on them :)

Is there a relationship between hormonal pills and pulmonary embolism?

Hormonal pills were prescribed and taken for weeks for perimenopausal bleeding caused by uterine myoma. Hysterectomy was done when the bleeding won't stop. Developed pulmonary embolism post-op.

It is true that MJ was an icon, but are people over exagerating his own importance now, taking it too far?

He wasn't just an icon he was a legend in the music industry and his albums have made millions...upon millions of $'s

I was ually abused and need to tell my parents, help?

I know that when they are family it is hard to feel like you are betraying them. I just want you to know that it makes them more of a monster for doing these things to precious children that are in a special position of trust. They do not really love you when they treat you this way. You are not the person who should feel guilty. You cannot help what has already happened, however you should most urgently stop this from happening any more. If you have told your parents already and they have done nothing, then talk to a school counselor. That is what they are there for. The only way to get better is to seek counseling and get these people who have manipulated you behind bars. You know what the right thing is to do.......

F1 Championship edition PS3 Splitcreen?

Does the F1 Championship Edition on the PS3 have a Splitscreen Feature. i want this game a lot but only cos me and my Dad like playing racing games together splitscreen. the box says "1 Player" but so does GT5 Prologe and it has a Splitscreen feature. i will only buy this game if it does cos its really rare and costs 25 quid whenever it actully comes back into stock in Gamestation... PREOWNED!

How to convince your grandparents to get you a Macbook Pro?

I am 14 and I'm going into 8th grade. I'm in 3 advanced cles. It requires a LOT of extra papers and projects. All of my friends have Mac's and say they are perfect for schoolwork. I currently have an Asus, but it's not fast enough for the "occasional" gaming I want to do. I wanna play the Sims 3 or Spore...yea I know, kiddie games.. :P hey, I like 'em. Anywho, I really like Macs and I've used them multiple times at my friends houses. To be honest, I've fallen in love! :D lol but I want to convince them to get me the refurbished 1,019.00 one. Don't tell me to just raise my own money, because I can't get a job until i'm 16 and thats in 2 years. :P Thanks for your help!

Is a sugar glider good for me?

Hi! I am a 13(almost 14) year old girl. I am currently in 8th grade and I consider myself very responsible. everyone in my family has a pet that they love and are always around but me. Every time I get an animal it always latches on to someone else! I have done a lot of research on them and one of my moms friend even has one! My mom told me sometime I could go over and see the lady's sugar glider! The only thing I am worried about is the age. I read that sugar gliders live up to 15 years! I will be off to college by then and my mom said she would not like to take care of it. I need pro's and con's of getting a sugar glider please. (ps I have a large closet which I am planning on turning into a home for this sugar glider

Does Kodak make a remote cord that allows you to take pictures from a few feet from the camera (easy share)?

My father want to use my camera to take pictures of birds. He wants to put it on a tripod and take pictures from inside.

Do you think i should be friends with this guy?

I have a friend (well no really my friend) but he has been my friend sence 3rd grade nd now im in 8th. me and him were really really good friends... we could teel eachother anything. but ever sence he got a girlfriend hes been acing different. everytime i talk to him or his girlfriend he either hits me or kicks me. one time him and his girlfriend were hugging in the hall and i went uo to then and said "awww" then he punched me in the stumach and i had a bruse there for a week. what do you think i should do about it? should i stay friends with him? or just stop talking to him? please help me

Why has yahoo! mail stopped allowing me to use nicknames? it says syntax error or names not in address book.

I've used yahoo mail for years and always used nicknames. now they don't work, even though they are in my address book and I don't have any syntax errors in the "to" box.

Needs space?

ok so...i started talking to this girl like last week. and i havent been like bombarding her with texts, but i have texted her daily in the afternoon. so i like i felt like an idiot while i talked to her because i would get shutdown a lot. so i asked her friend what i should do and she said to text her once like every few weeks, and have her talk to me when she wants to to. i asked her if she got annoyed with me, and she told me she didnt get annoyed, but i did it too much...should i just follow that? or did i already mess everything up..

Which Laptop? or Laptop Recommendations?

Definitely macbook pro, always go for a mac, as for size, I'd get a 15 inch one, unless i'm going to travel whilst using it, in which case i'd get the 13 inch

OK, which of the following would make a good Monday lunch...?

two or three sound really good!! I would go w/ 2 personally since I just had a bowl on Friday and there was not nearly enough extra gravy in it!

Help with decorating room?

Perhaps you could add an accent wall of a brighter color to set the scheme? I'll suggest a yellow or blue. Then you can incorporate those colors and a few more into the room in the form of throw pillows, sheets, and comforters. Depending on what kind of furniture you have and what wall it's going on, you could paint them with the accent color too.

Is anyone else having a nerdgasm?

MW3, Elder Scrolls, AC Revelations, Dead Island, and much more games coming out Autumn. All I can say is goodbye friends, goodbye girlfriend, goodbye life; for the next couple months I'll be living in my dark man cave living off Cheetos and Mountain Dew (exaggerating). Anyway anyone else excited about all the games coming out soon and any recommendations on what I should buy first?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Mmorpg maker?

wuts the best free 2d mmorpg maker where i can make my own sprites my own battle system my own terrain etc.

Do Dems or Libs think this taxation is fair, excessive or what?

why do poor republicans spend all their time going to bat for rich republicans who never do the same for them?

Ekranoplan: Caspian Sea Monster?

Does anyone kow where I may purchase a model kit for the Caspian Sea Monster. No it not an extinct sea creature!

My Bracket Is Embedded Into my Gum?

On Saturday I awoke to the left side of my mouth hurting, and noticed that my gum was swollen. A foul odor started to appear. I floss everyday so I know this isn't lack of hygiene, but anyway, while flossing today I flossed under the tooth that was causing the pain and odor and noticed that my bracket is on my gum. I accidentally broke the bracket off while doing this and when it broke there is an imprint of the bracket? I would really like to know why my gum just decided to do this uncomfortable action?

My dream schools would be USC or UCSB do i have any chance?

Your extra curriculars are good, your improvement and reasons are great, but I don't think it will be enough for USC. USC is a very selective private, and I doubt you would make it with an average ACT and below average GPA. UCSB is probably 5050. Hope for the best.

I want to trade Matt Forte for a good QB in my fantasy league?

I want to trade Matt Forte because he is disappointing me right now and I want a high cl QB what would be a good trade?

Two persons are standing at different points on the Earth's equator. What happens to the separation distance

Two persons are standing at different points on the Earth's equator. What happens to the separation distance between them as they both walk north at the same rate? And just for fun, where in the world is a step in every direction a step south?

Is Obama really the answer?

well, you make valid points, but i think the problem is a lot of people are now willing to take a "chance at change" rather than see another Bush Republican like McCain get in the white house. Should be interesting

Bible Encyclopedia Question?

I am looking for a Bible Encyclopedia and/or Dictionary that works with the Old Testament, Apocrypha, and New Testament. I prefer to have it relate with New Revised Standard Version too, but any version is long as it includes the Apocrypha. This can either be a book to be purchased or computer software compatible with Windows Vista. Please provide me links, or suggested stores top look at. Thanks!

How can i get my boyfriend back?

We're in our mid twenties and have lived together for 3 years. We always joke with one another but lately its just jokes on me. If he is not farting on me, in the hot shower as he is on his way out, or in the car as he locks the windows he is sneaking up behind me with an air horn taping down the leaver on the sink spout so I soak myself or he is putting tape head level so I walk into it. He's always getting me when his friends are around too. I'm fresh out of ideas and asking him to knock it off doesn't help. What should I do to get him back?

Is there anything I can do for my friend?

aw i feel for you. truthfully tho honey if shes strung out on drugs and willingly staying with a creep shes probably not gonna leave willingly no matter how dreary a life shes living. hate to be a snitch on a loved one but sometimes tough love is whats needed the most.--i would call the police the next time you know they should be interfering. but your friend sounds like she needs more help than you can give.

Who thinks anne coulter will go to jail?

Voting with another address is a felony - do you think prosecutors will let Anne Coulter off the hook? she will not cooperate with the local voting government office. It will be turned over to state attorney - do you think she will to to jail???

Is this a good start of the first chapter of my novel?

ok, it sounds a bit redundant. try to discribe everything more. The book dos'nt have to be so fast paced. I also think a intro page would work.

Photoshop History Project IDEAS!?

I need some ideas for an image editing cl that I have. We are supposed to find a picture of an important place in history, something you'd find in a history book or something. And then composite ourselves into the picture. You know, make it look real. I need some ideas on historical places. I made one of me at the Washington Monument my teacher didn't think that was good enough. Any ideas, people?

Why are these shroom flashbacks happening?Help!!?

I took 26 grams of these really strong shrooms for my first time, and had a really bad terrifying trip. Now, 5 days later, this is the second time weird **** has happened to me. I was in school, and then i started to get shaky, and all of the sudden it was like i was tripping again. The whole room was maelting and morphing and i was seeing colors...then, i was back in my first trip..same place..same everything. Nobody in my family has had a mental disorder or anything so i know i don't have one. I heard its either that the trip is imprinted in your memory or becuase there are still shrooms in your body that cause it..please help me why is this happening and how can i stop it??

2003 ford taurus, no heat or rear defrost. changed heater core, thermostat & fuses. didn't help. ideas?

My 1999 taurus lost heat last year. Freeze plugs needed replaced. So I had no radiator fluid. Check fluid.

Did Europeans give the Natives contaminated blankets?

I learned in community college that the european settlers gave blankets contaminated with measels or small pox to the natives in order to kill them, since they had no immunities to the diseases. I stated that in an answer the other day and someone told me that it was not true. Is it or not?

Bluedart courier service: vehicle/flight/train:delayed/c…

i ordered a motorola defy on infibeam .com on 24th july ...the product shows as being shipped on the website...they have provided me the tracking code for bluedart...but when i opened bluedarts site and entered the code it says vehicle/flight/train: delayed/ customer service....what should i do?..will it be delivered on time?.....please help

Are my laptop's specs good for gaming?

It depends on the the game you want to play. The bad, most people do not really care for a AMD prossecer, and 3GB of RAM is not bad. The good, although it is AMD it is still a very fast prossecer, and you have not too bad graphics card. Over all your computer is a little above average for gaming.

Airsoft Jing Gong W733 AEG Upgrade Help?

Hi, I bought this gun (name in title) about a year ago and I was wondering what upgrades I should get and where to find them. It is currently shooting at 330-350 fps. The problem is that I know of no airsoft stores in my area, would some kind of sports store do it?

General Music Question?

theyre sampling a part of the song and using it as the base of their own, basically looping the sample and mixing it


my dog is 4month old (american bulldog-boxer mix). wen i play with her she bites my hands..its hurts realy bad... ive tought her to sit and give me paw/shake hands.... but when she bites me its not aggresive its for play. and when she bites me i yell at her and she starts licking my finger as if shes apolagizing ....... plzz help

Fishermen in the Gulf are making more money now then before the oil spill. Was this the best thing that could.?

No, they are sitting on their boats bored doing nothing , getting paid by BP to do nothing. They want to work! They want to clean up the oil but the EPA and GOVT won't let BP do anything... they are stopping the clean up! They won't let them burn it, or use chemicals to clean it up. Our govt is destroying the world.!

Is this weird? I'm being deployed to the Middle East and there are lots?

prostitutes around the base that I DON'T want to mess with. I dont have a gf now and don't want to start up a relationship while I'm deployed. I'll be away for almost a year! So I met someone and we've become "friends." I asked her to stay with me for the next few months until I'm deployed. We probably won't officially start dating, since I'm leaving. But I just want to be FWB to tide me over til I get back to the States. Is this weird to do? Any other military men have flings like this before being sent out?

Where can I find resources on Java and SEO?

I am looking for some in depth articles on how Java effects your SEO efforts. Does anyone have any articles or links on it?

Who is your favorite, norman mailer or gore vidal?

While both can be rather dense reads, I prefer Gore Vidal. I especially enjoyed Palimpsest: A Memoir, The City and the Pillar, and his essays (as the essays are a bit more breezy).

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What does this poem mean? 10 pts?

I think what Auden was saying is the guy was a statistic! Some government bureau knew "everything' about him but no one cared if he was happy or loved his family or what kind of person he was. He was just a cog in the wheel of society.

Why is oil pirce rising?

It is cause especulation? demand/supply conditions were the same last year and it didn�t rise so much? Is someone becoming filthy rich due to future values trading? Will it go down after next elections? The Bush admin "Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000" and the 2006 ICE allowence to trade through local terminals with EEUU future oil at London exchange stocks; favoring the especulation furthermore might be a move to further enrich its buddies, the oil companies, while himself, and also causing people all over the world and the country to further fall into debt with banks, who are making billions charging us taxes on money lend at private and government levels!!! Also, might this be a move to settle a oil price control tool based on especulation (a especulation that very few people currently know how exactly it affect oil price and in whcih degree!!), in order to neutralize the impact of the middle east oil price rising capacity it attacked! Is this a preface to more war(Iran)?

BTEC music or music a-level at a really good school, no fees in london?

I'm looking to move schools next year for sixth form. i play violin as my main instrument along with viola, cello and piano. music is my favorite subject which i have a pion for. i want to take music on as a career so want to go to uni doing music. where can i go that either does music BTEC or has a really good music status, somewhere in London, preferably Kent, and please, no fes! :) thank you!!

I want to be a chef but don't know what CULINARY SCHOOL to choose?

I am sending my family on a wild goose chase, because I want to find the best culinary school to attend. I have been told that Le Cordon Bleu and The Art Institute are great culinary arts schools and I have visited both and loved them both! I am currently enrolling in the Art Institute and everything is basically set up and ready for me to go, BUT I know I may be in debt after school! Deep debt! I think it's worth it! I will pay it off once I begin working, BUT I hear reviews online saying that Art Institute and Le Cordon Bleu are horrible for profit schools! All they want is my money, and they are terribly overpriced! I hear that people don't even get good jobs after graduating, but then I hear other people say that they are good school! I am so so confused! I want someone in the industry to help me!


There are several suggestions that I would make to this paper. If you would like to email it to me at, I can email it back to you as a word doent with changes in the footnotes.

What do you think of this fantasy football team?

Looks to be a great team. Very strong in quarterback. Great potential at running back, though LT has a possible injury and has been struggling in his first two weeks. And I don't know whats up with Frank Gore...just been average it seems - though I guess he did get 1 TD last week. Receivers are aged (Holt + Harrison) but Burress is a great chocie. Everything else looks good too. Minnesota defense = a good pic because of weak division (despite Green Bay).

Do fishermen really fish with kittens? cause i heard it was a joke and idk why someome would joke about that?

yeah, I heard they use them as shark bait, hooks and all. It's disgusting, they don't do it in the US (as far as I know) but in other parts of the world yes. People are sick.

Which character is worse off?

Holic, of course. Sikan goes through something that ends once Dahvani finds him and his family is killed. It's cruel, but it's true. Holic is suffering BECAUSE of his family. Sucks big time.

This is for the ladies .I would like some advice from a female prospective?

I have a new girlfriend I have known her for about six months and just a few weeks ago started dating her.This is whats going on she came over and had with me and hasn't been here since .Ive ask her to come over and it seems she always has an excuse as to why she can't come over .Etheir she is sick or has to go somewere.She calls me and talks but it seems she just can't find time for getting together .I was wondering looking at this from my point of view if I liked somone I would go out of my way to find time find time to be with that person.Do you think that she is playing games or the field.Or she just doesn't like me or what .Maybe I was sucky lay what do you think.

We paid $2000 less in Federal tax this year from last. Thus our refund is lower.?

Is this due to the tax relief ped in 2009 that instructed employers to take out less tax? I'm guessing that the money was spread out through the year rather than getting it back on our refund. Right? All over our exemptions have remained the same.

What's the best cheap graphics card? Under £40.00? In the UK?

You need to find out if you have PCIx16 slot. Here is a bundle that is a good deal. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a It includes another gig of ram for your system...

How long can we continue the treatment for a patient with damaged lungs? On lifesaving drug...?

Am so sorry to hear about your mom's condition. Not to sound insensitive, but did your mom have an advance directive? like if something like this is to happen, would she want to be on life support? If not, then maybe you and your family can talk about it. Sometimes, it is needless to let the patient suffer and just let them go in dignity. My father ped away o f cancer not long ago, we all agreed to have him DNR. Again, so sorry about all this.

How amazing is it that the US military is not being used to occupy a middle eastern country for a change?

It is truly amazing the the US have taken a back seat and left it to the French and British to do the job for a change, but I'm sure America will take the glory as usual.

Am I free to walk away from this deal?

How long is "a few weeks?" You haven't signed the lease, so you can definitely walk away without penalty. Just inform the landlord that you've changed your mind. Whether or not you get the $100 deposit back depends on what your anticipated move-in date would have been. If it was close to a month away, then you would likely be entitled to that money back. But if you would have moved in within the next week or two, the the landlord is losing out on a month's rent if they're unable to find another tenant, and they may be able to keep your money. Regulations vary depending on where you live. Your town council office can tell you for sure.

Mayfield Snow Cream Ice Cream?

I know how you must feel because I came from Florida & am trying to get used to living in Hi. I miss Florida & Scotland. To make a long story short I was wondering where mayfield icecream came from.I miss the rocky road kind.

Grueling jobs????????????????????/?

I was wondering if anyone knows some jobs that are physically grueling but pay a lot of money. I'm not talking about not getting enough sleep jobs, i mean like for example crap fisherman, oil rig workers stuff like that. But keep in mind i am a girl. Some jobs won't hire women, that are physically exhausting.

Should I trade Anquan Boldin for Jamaal Charles and Marques Colston or Boldin for McFadden and Colston?

not to sound rude, but getting quantity for quality is for suckers. Colston is not equal to Boldin in my book, and getting a timeshare RB doesn't help you out. if you're gonna trade Boldin, you should be able to get a solid RB who is a clear-cut every week starter. if you want a Charles, you should be able to get him for Owens. and why take McFadden at all right now when you have ALL of the Raiders carries this week? let Bush get the ball, hopefully put up some numbers, then YOU can be the guy to trade off an iffy RB to a desperate owner. some situations you gotta wait out. you're not in a bad position, don't get impatient and take an offer just to shake things up. i don't know your record, but with that roster, you should be 3-1. maybe 2-2 if you've run into bad luck. if you were to just throw the name Boldin out there, you might get a few owners bidding for him. good luck.

Since the Shroud of Turin is proving to be the burial cloth of Christ, will atheists burn in hell or repent?

Yes, my entire belief system is based on the 'shroud of turin'. Jesus Christ, are people still talking about that old rag? I thought it was discredited thirty years ago.

I was told that I need to have a hysterectomy.?

How scary is this procedure? I'm a little nervous about having it done. Can anyone put my mind at ease?

Is Obama better than you expected?

I used to dislike him but now it seems as though he might not be that bad. Regardless of what we originally thought of him, we should support him and hope for the best because he's now our president. I just hope he works as a bi-partisan president and doesn't just mindlessly go along with what the Democrat congress members do.

Would anyone like to trade and/or battle me pokemon black?

please if you would like to to add me or however this thing goes reply first so i know who im adding thanks. ok the name is CRISS and the code thinggy is "0261 0042 4648"

Is it necessary to doe KYC process with Karvy seperately after doing with camsonline?

I had invested money in 4 different funds 4 years back. I have done the process of KYC with camsonline and also registered my email id for PAN based services. My problem is when I try to view the portfolio I get details of 1 Fund. Also out of the 4 funds one fund comes under Karvy. Is it necessary to do the KYC process with Karvy separately. How do I get the fund value of all four funds as a consolidated statement from camsonline. Please help

Same old tottenham huh?

Although i agree with you that Spurs fans get really excited too easily (but to be fair the way they have been going recently i would be jumping for joy too) it really makes me laugh that you Arsenal fans bang on about how great your kids are but when Spurs demolished you, you just p it off as 'oh they only beat our kids' another interesting point: Dos Santos you say "if hes so great why did barca let him go so early" remind me where Wenger signed Fabregas from, they let him go early and he has turned out to be amazing it's not Dos Santos' fault that the entire Spurs team was playing crap there is no way he could have stopped it no matter how good he is! Wenger only let Bentley go because he doesn't believe in holding players back by keeping them in the reserves be realistic there was no chance Bentley was going to get in the team ahead of Bergkamp and Pires (2 of Arsenals greatest players) was there! Modric is a quality player but i'll say it again the entire team is playing crap and has low morale there is nothing he can do about that, although Gomes is quite obviously diabolical and Pavlyuchenko is looking pretty iffy!

Cigarette ban and tax hike,what about alcohol?

if everybody is on this no smokin ban why don,t the government do anything about alcohol there are so many problems with alcohol death,disease,accidents,abuse,neglect,cr… trips to jail or prison and this isn,t a real problem, and the government decides to raise the price of cigarettes and keep alcohol at a reasonable price

Why is the midpoint half the hypotenuse of a triangle?

The circenter -------------In the special case of a right triangle, the circenter (C in the figure at right) lies exactly at the midpoint of the hypotenuse (longest side). a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a In a right triangle, the circenter is the midpoint of the hypotenuse, since the hypotenuse will be a diameter of the circircle. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a the center of the circle that cirscribes a right triangle is the midpoint of the hypotenuse and its radius is one half the length of the hypotenuse a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a The distances between the midpoint of the hypotenuse and all three vertices are the same. In other words, the length of a hypotenuse median (see its definition below) is half of the hypotenuse length. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Should overweight people have to pay more on the plane?

Why should people of normal weight pay to subsidize overweight people? Don't they also make the plane use more fuel which is bad for the environment? You have to pay for baggage of excess weight--why shouldn't you have to pay if you're overweight as well? Wouldn't it be an incentive for people to lose some weight too, and therefore good for public health in general? (I don't mean pregnant women by the way--they could carry a medical cert which would excuse them from being charged extra.) What do you think?

What is the Holy Spirit?

the holy spirt is what Jesus said would come into each of us when he left the earth. (If you are a believer that is)

Need advice on a letter to my boss' boss.

I work at a municipal pool. My manager has a nasty habit of being in a bad mood, nearly every day. I feel that no matter what her personal life is, she should not take it out on other employees. She is a control freak on a power trip. I am 28 years old, and she treats me like a teenager. She treats the lifeguards like kindergartners. She has exhibited behaviors such as favoritism, prejudice, outbursts of anger, making children cry, etc. She has even gone so far as to tell a few of us that we "need to get saved". She has also told me "I gave you every Sunday off, because you need to go to church." This is somewhat disturbing to me. She is unapproachable with concerns or problems. There are families and children that will not come to the pool when she is there. I could go on and on about things that she has said or done that are inappropriate. There are 6 lifeguards that are writing letters to the city, and numerous parents as well. The goal of these letters will be to ensure that she is not hired for this position next year. I am somewhat scared of being retaliated against if she finds out that I am writing a letter. Would you write the letter, or does it seem inappropriate to go over her head? Have you written such a letter? What details should I include?

Do you think that Madeline will be another Natasha Kampusch?

Most anything is possible, hopefully Maddie will be recovered alive soon. It took Natasha awhile to eventually escape from her abductor. Of course him taking her in the first place was wrong - depriving her of her freedom and separation from family, friends and the world. Natasha was 10 when kidnapped so she had a greater sense of identity and self-awareness of what had happened to her. At the young age of 4, Maddie is at a disadvantage age-wise in understanding her situation, but hopefully she's being treated well and will be recovered quickly.

I checked my bank ballance online and it said that there was a IRX TRANSACTION PENDING? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?


From what episode of Ally McBeal is this quote?

"I can’t believe my life. One minute it’s going okay, I mean… as okay as my life can get, then the gong knocks me completely off my feet." - Ally McBeal

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dill Pickle processing time?

Does anyone know the 'safe' amount of processing time (if any) for canning dill pickles. I have read recipes that just say 'pour the boiling brine in and seal' and I've seen recipes that have 15 minutes of processing time in a hot water bath. I'm a bit confused and I don't want soggy pickles due to overprocessing (but I also don't want to get sick).

Students and council tax exemption?

There are 5 of us who live in a shared house. 3 of us aren't students - we work full time and so split the council tax between us. But one of the girls has now finsihed her degree and broke up for the final year and has started working full time, but says that she is still exempt from concil tax as she is officially a student until September. Is this right?

Chapter 7 and FHA loans?

I recently went through Chapter 7 bankruptcy. During the proceedings the trustee took possession of my rental house that was in perfect standing with the mortgage company. Since that time, he's evicted the tenants and has not paid one penny toward the mortgage but has yet to put the house up for sale although he states that's his intent (it's been 7 months!!). Consequently, the mortgage company is now foreclosing. Given that the house is still legally in my name, but the foreclosure is not my fault, how well this affect my ability to get an FHA loan in the future?

I need friends with benefits relationship advice?

Stop having with him. Men can hump just about anything and then walk away. Most women involve their feelings in it.

How Can I Get Less Ticklish?

My gf is so ticklesh that she actually started asking for tickles pills!! i know so silly!!:p .. do u guys have any idea on how to "Reduce" tickles?!

Do you believe in psychic power? Do some people have a special ability to know the future?

i believe in brain power which people also call "psychic".The more you develop you brain the more powerful you become-a long and non ending exercise which millions are attempting ( or have attempted in silence as always-centuries past) Powers of the brains are infinite! So you can predict what other ( poor or undeveloped at brain power ) cannot. No secret try it yourself - no monopoly there !Go gradually with the law of nature-as the mustard seed grows or climate changes!

My wife is getting an abortion because she says that it is a parasite sucking the life out of her?

You both are selfish, selfish, selfish! You want a baby and your pregnant but you would rather kill YOUR baby because its not easy to be pregnant? Get a clue, life is hard, killing a baby wont make you better. If you get an abortion, I hope it haunts you for the rest of your life because that's a selfish and horrible reason to kill a poor little baby. And you guys need to learn about hell, cause that is where you will go for murder! You don't deserve children.

Evolution: My uncle was like 100 when he died. He had a vintage Ford model T, put it in a garage that was?

so formidable, it seemed like it put Fort Knox to shame. He put an auto cover over it, shut and locked the doors, and left it alone. After he died we opened the garage to see his Modle T. When we took off the covering we found a brand new, decked out, hopped up, Shelby Mustang. We looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and figured like, what did we expect? It's evolution. Over time, earthly changes, etc.the modle T simply took on another form, just like life does according to evolution. Species, matter, and substance change, take on new and better forms, and become the new improved substance. Right? Jump on it evolution-ists..

Question about Psalms 37:4?

No. God will give you the desire of your heart that is not harmful to you. There is a strong reason for the delay in answering your mother's prayer of becoming financially wealthy, but surely if it is for her own good and when the time is ripe, her heart desire will be fulfilled. I knew of a close family friend who won a large sum of money through lottery, although he was not a believer i greatly sympathized with him because instead of the wealth becoming a blessing to him it led to his demise. His close relatives conspired and killed him to inherit the wealth. What a pity.

Do you think Trish and/or Lita will ever go back to The WWE?

Not too sure about lita but I know trish was a model b/for and after wwe so she's still making money. I dont know if she's coming back or not but last time I heard her say she didnt want to be an old woman still wrestling and when she retired she retired w/ the womans championship so I think she's had a good run and wont come back. Now lita possibly...I can see her returning

List of interesting bridal accessories?

veils, fascinators, hair pins, brooches, belts, wedding favours, wedding party gifts, clutches, ring pillow, flower girl basket, garters, bouquets, etc;

How do the people who drive the snow plow's and gritters get to work?

When the snow is very deep, and people are snowed in their houses and can't get to work, how do the people who drive snow plow's and gritters manage to get to work?

Older brother concerned about my weight? is this really weird?

I think you should sit down with him one day and talk to him. About everything that may be contributing to his thoughts. If he cares this much about you, it would be best to open up to him to be sure you both have a strong trust and bond. No need for misunderstandings.

Phlegm cough in my throat?

Their has been this substance stuck in my throat for months. It feels like phlegm, but i'm not sure. I try to cough it up but It never goes anywhere. it doesn't interfere in my breathing of anything, but I can feel it and if bothers me. I've tried drinking hot tea and honey, but t won't go away. What can I do?!

If I wrote a text today in which I talked about a guy who died in the year 1980?

Would you be credible? I'd probably think so if there were no other motives than to tell of his life and how he went about doing good, loving others, showing compion to the unlovely, always welcomed children to join him and his friends. That he willingly gave his life for others?. That your life was drastically changed for the good by knowing him?. That even though you were not always a faithful friend, he never stopped being yours.? That you ended up being willing to be persecuted for loving him? I'd have to weigh that kind of information, for starters.

What exactly are dreams?

Dreams are a release of energy in the brain during REM sleep. *There are many examples of dreams that seemed to predict future events. Some may have been due to coincidence, faulty memory, or an unconscious tying together of known information. A few laboratory studies have been conducted of predictive dreams, as well as clairvoyant and telepathic dreams, but the results were varied, as these kinds of dreams are difficult to study in a laboratory setting.

What was a main argument from the book "This Boy's Life" by Tobias Wolff?

Autobiography about Tobias about how he was abused by his stepfather and had alot to deal with at a young age. It was also a movie in 1993 with Leonardo Di Caprio and Robert DiNero

What Would You Do To Prevent The Democratic Party From Fracturing At This Point Of The Game?

Gerrymandering districts, Super Delegates, Disenfranchised voters and Now a two campaign war. What would you do to resolve this issue that would make both sides happy and keep the party intact or would you just let it run it's course?

One bad semester of junior year, will it hurt me?

yes that could hurt you A LOT!! you wil probably have to take summer school to make up some of those sry!

How to subtly ask a guy if he likes you/who he likes?

Ask a mutual friend to say "so what do u think about ________ shes pretty cute right" so that way if he doesnt like you then it wont be all weird

Why is smoking pot illegal?

its probably because the gov. cant tax because you can grow it yourself and they make no wondering the same too.. and too the person that said smoking pot kills ur brain cells and makes you retarded is a retard obviously runs in the family as his mother tried to drive high..ahaha..nobody said u should do that ...hell weed is safer than most of those prescription medications out there that cure one thing but have a 100 other side effects..and weed is pretty much impossible to overdose on...but as with anything else too much of anything is bad for you..

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to change aftermarket air filter on an 2008 Scion XB?

No one will touch my air filter when i get the car serviced. The places say that i have an aftermarket they won't mess with it. I bought the car in 2009 used and found out someone had put racing equipment under the hood TRD? I'm a 32 year old woman and have no clue about this. I thought the car was little peppy for a 4 cylinder! Anyways if you can tell me how to get to it that would be great. Looks like i would have to disconnect the battery to get down to it or go underneath?

PLEASE help my hair? How do I get it healthy? It's falling out?

if you want to straighten your hair use heat protector and after you take a shower brush your hair with a comb not a brush. I use Biolage normalizng shampoo and conditioner, the tressemee just makes your hair really dry. My hair is very healthy and soft. Also when you get out of the shower dont towel dry your hair , use a shirt.

I need your opinion about this man. (Mental Health)?

I honestly do think it's the drugs talking. I thought about those illnesses too, and Narcissism but the anecdote by Paul McCartney about how the Beatles recorded on coke thinking it was their best work ever then hid the recording away once hearing it sober reminded me of many of the kinds of sentiments Sheen alludes to in his often superhuman feats of poetry in trying to describe his feelings of awesomeness and invlunerability... sounds like coke (or lingering effects of crack-cocaine) talking to me.

Are you EXCITED for tomorrow!?

starting January we have to provide health care for everyone. We are all going to have to pitch in to make sure no one is poor. we need to stop censorship of any kind. allow marriage between anyone, it's not the gov. business. we need to cut our defense and use the money for aids in africa. we have to support our unions. bring back affirmative action and give back to those who are of color and and allow a women's right to choose even after birth. let's tax the heck outa the rich and level the playing field!!!!!! YES! Obama 08'!

Rate my Pokemon Team please!?

Excellent, simply awesome in terms of power and variety. Maybe you should add another water elemental

If I was driving the legal limit of 65mph on the freeway, but everyone else, was driving seventy mph, ?

Who would get the ticket? Me for impeding traffic, or every one else for going above the speed limit? Or even, every one including me.

Has it been proven that the drug Lexipro given for depression and anxiety really takes 30 days to work?

I took my first dose of Lexipro yesterday, and it gave me such a keep I couldn't stop smiling , I was just happy all day, It took me a while to fall asleep , slept for a few hours then I was wide awake again at 430 in morning and not even tired. I know it may seem as though its all pyschosematic, but I know my body and I was in overdrive yesterday. I took my dose today and don't seem to be as up as I was yesterday.

Which of these girls and boys names do you like best?

for the girl name i like sophia better and for the boy i like Aiden. Both of those names are names i had picked out!

How can I deal with my husband's lack of trust when I don't deserve to be distrusted?

well, did he know you had condoms specificly for your vibrator? did he know that you used them like this, if not than I can totally see his side. but he sounds totally controlling, you better put his in check, girlfriend

When does someone quit christianity?

I was raised catholic ..mistakenly become adventist ..trying to get back to catholicism ..I failed , ...I think I have stopped believing in religions, ...I got sick of them ....I want to live a spiritual but not religious life ...but, yet , have stopped being a member of christianity for that ..? and does a spiritual life means that you have to be stuck only on spiritual christianity, or can it larger than that ..mystical, astrology, wicca and so on ..including spiritual christianity ..?

What does it mean when a guy?

What does it mean when a guy wants to be together with you but he can not and he can't say why? And he doest like anyone else? OMG,,help!!!

Need New Guitar Fast Neck!

Okay im no amateur to the guitar world i have a bunch of guitars i have a american fender strat, a couple agiles, and a couple acoustics and im looking for a guitar i could really shred on maybe an ibanez really any guitar for really fast playing. I want the guitar to have a super fast neck for rock solos/metal so anyone have any suggestions my budget is like 3-500 if there is something a little more please mention it no answer or suggestion is a bad one thanks in advance

How do I make marinara sauce not too watery?

you can use the same recipe you've always, with one exception. when you add the liquid ingredients, let it reduce by at least half. in your case, you would let the beef broth and tomato juice reduce before adding the solid ingredients. this will not only give you a thicker sauce, but the reduction will impart a greater flavor.

I have to answer this interview question: Why do you want a career in human resources? Idk what to say.?

I want to change careers and the work that I have done has nothing to do with HR so I have to be convincing. I know I really want to work in HR, but I'm having trouble articulating the reasons. If you work in HR, why do you like what you do?

How is taxation without representation related to the French and Indian War?

It's for a history report and i'm not too sure how exactly how they relate to each other. i would really appreciate it if someone could tell me there relationship.

Who's beats go the hardest?

Well for instrumentals id grab some suge white...for freestlye wiz khalifa and currency are the best in my opinion...yesss wayne is good but im sick of him

I wanna impress my parents for doing better in school!?

Ok so I stayed back 2 times. as of right now I'm a freshman that's sup post to be a junior. So I'm two years older than everyone in my grade. It's extremely hard not to pay attention because everyone is very immature. I've been thinking about adult ed instead of continuing to go to the school I'm at now. Is there any other options I can do possibly or is Adult ed good?

What is your favorite part of being a police officer?

Other then just putting away the bad or misbehaved people.Theres got to be something else you love about being a police officer.So is there?if so what is it?

Game of One on One who wins between Tony Parker and Rajon Rondo?

OOOOOOHHHHHH! This is a good one huh? LOL Yeah, this would be a one on one game I'd pay big bucks to see. Who would win between these similiar point guards? Who are you putting money on? By the way Tony Parker IS NOT getting old, he's only getting better, his points per game increased over the recent years. Oh, yeah! I got to add one more in as well......Dwayne Wade verses Lebron James in one on one! Don't underestimate Dwayne Wade, he's got heart like Allen Iverson. Hell, Why not even after that matchup Iverson verses Wade in one on one. LOL Your take on all 3 matches! They'll all be hooping at my house! LOL Just joking! Seriously though, who would you put money on to win each of the 3 matchups?

Vinegar for acid burns?? Please explain.?

What's this? Movies out of Hollywood making glaring scientific errors? I'm Shocked, I tell you! Shocked! And here I thought it was only a matter of time, since mankind has begun using atomic power, until a large reptile comes out of the ocean and stomps Tokyo!

Are these purchases tax deductible?

No. Your are receiving goods for your money. the store you are purchasing from gets to deduct whatever percentage of sales they donate to charity.

SEO Service Question?

My competitor has a site that's 10 years old, and they've been sitting at the top of Google for as long as I can remember. I can't even get on the first page! What is the best way for me to SEO my site so that I have a chance of competing with him?

Why is the ending to The Last Battle so bad?

If you don't want a religious answer to your question then you won't get a true one. C.S. Lewis wrote the series to be a biblical allegory and if you don't like it then read something else.

Would an iPad for school be useful?

Maybe. But it is quite bulky - I suggest an Iphone or Apple Ipod Touch - as these are easy to carry around with you. Good luck :)

What to bring to a potluck dinner?

I have to bring a side dish, appetizer or dessert to a potluck. It's being held at a cottage so I don't want to bring anything that I have to heat up. I'm looking for something easy to make and yummy!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Question about women's rights and equality?

do you think it's a double standard when women want to be treated fairly and want to say that they are just as strong as men, but why does the law treat domestic abuse so harshly. if a women gets hit it's all over the news but if a man is hit it's like "oh well". and this whole thing about not hitting girls. if girls are just as strong as men then whey can't we hit you all. i am not saying that i want to hit a girl i'm just saying that it's a bit of a double standard. agree or disagree just make a good argument

What could this be????????????

Ok i know i need 2 see a doc but until can can does anyone know what could be causing this? I'm 19 years old and a virgin. Ok so i was having pretty bad menstrual like cramps and a slight swollen ticklish feeling up inside my but then it stopped and i felt fine. But about 5 days later i had just a lil pink blood l bleeding but then it stopped and started having mild cramps. and when i tried 2 pee it kinda burned a lil and hurt. Does this sound like a infection or what?

Does it make sense to fly into Ft. Lauderdale, to take a cruise from Miami?

The airfare to FLL is a lot less expensive than MIA. How long does it take to get to the Port of Miami from FLL?

Parents tip for young girl.?

Hello everyone. i am writing concerning my nine year old daughter. She has been an avid masturbater for some time now, almost a year. ive sat down with her and given her the "talk" but she still Persists. Problem is ive noticed bad rashes on her and she even come to me with them. we did visit a docter who gave us some rash cream and said i should try to talk to her. should i go out and buy her some lubricant, since she doesn't want to stop, and it is hurting her? Thanks in advance.

What does mark twain write about and how does he write about it?

Mark Twain wrote about lots of things. Many of his books were autobigraphical, like Life on the Mississippi and Roughing It. Others were fiction, like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. He also wrote letters, short stories, and essays. His style is generally said to be humorous and satirical. You'll find out lots about him if you look up his name.

Pimples popping up all over my face. Why?

Like a huge yellowy white pussed filled pimple popped up under my eyebrow near/on my bridge. After I washed my face though it popped. and then not even over night!!!!!! a nother pimple appeared later in the day. The same huge pussed filled pimple but next to my nose. I have pimples all over my face. My sister said to me "your face is getting worse" so I know I'm not the only one who can see that. My face was really bad in middle school but it started to get better and now since like 9th grade it's never been this horrible. I look like crap!!

My Dogs and the window ISSUE!?

I have 3 female dogs however this is just typically between my Boxer who was the 1st dog I had and then my Mastiff/Rottweiler mix which was my 2nd dog I purchased....Now my Boxer of course since she was the 1st seems to think she is the QUEEN B of the other 2 however whenever my Mastiff tries to look out the window she will growl until my Mastiff backs up. She acts as if this is HER window and no one else can enjoy it. Realizing this is a dominance issue how in the heck do I get her to quit doing this? She also does this at times when my Mastiff is trying to be with if I am ALL hers! My Boxer is very dominant/jealous! Now as a side note my 3rd dog which is a Great Dane doesnt really seem to have a problem with her and my Boxer acts as though it is ok if she wants to look out the window..almost like she babies her as if she was the baby. Part of me feels like my Boxer has her panties in a bunch because a few times my Mastiff has definately put her in her place!