Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Many Christians are good people but isn't Christianity now overshadowed by a hard-core bunch of gay bashers?

There are legit christians, but many are phobic. They may not be violent, but their words are. They claim "ity is a choice", but that contradicts the latest scientific experiment on the brains of uals and s (I also know myself, being gay, that it's something you have since birth, I myself discovered I was gay around age 5). Basically, everything they're saying about gay people is false, and they need to grow up. Even though I'm an atheist, I don't mean to offend anyone's religion, but sometimes I think people take advantage of their religion and their bible and "paraphrase" content in it to meet their specific agenda for hate. You can tell they're doing this because they ignore the fact that gluttony is a sin, as well as wearing certain fibers, yet they ignore that, and persecute the gays. It doesn't add up, does it.


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