Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to convince your grandparents to get you a Macbook Pro?

I am 14 and I'm going into 8th grade. I'm in 3 advanced cles. It requires a LOT of extra papers and projects. All of my friends have Mac's and say they are perfect for schoolwork. I currently have an Asus, but it's not fast enough for the "occasional" gaming I want to do. I wanna play the Sims 3 or Spore...yea I know, kiddie games.. :P hey, I like 'em. Anywho, I really like Macs and I've used them multiple times at my friends houses. To be honest, I've fallen in love! :D lol but I want to convince them to get me the refurbished 1,019.00 one. Don't tell me to just raise my own money, because I can't get a job until i'm 16 and thats in 2 years. :P Thanks for your help!


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