Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My friend is real mean to me wat do i do?!?

O.K so my friend she came over and we went sledding...then when we came back she said "can i borrow some clothes?!" and she wasn't that wet?! so i let her borrow my pants, tank top, shoes, hair pin, socks, and my FAVORITE shirt (all in one day)! well i gave her my favorite shirt (i didn't want to) cause she said "aww i wish i had this shirt! i don't have any long shirt to wear" and she has plenty! plus i invited her to go to bowling and she was so rude! (my church bowling) and said to my friend Alexis "come on Alexis! at LEAST try to play your best!" and my sister was all like "Were just having fun! and yes she is doing her best" and my rude friend just like "well try HARDER?!" and plus my mean friend was LOSING!.........SOMEONE HELP i can't get away from my rude friend cause shes always hanging around with my BFFL! I'm always nice to her but she so mean to me! some please tell me what i should do!


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