Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why is oil pirce rising?

It is cause especulation? demand/supply conditions were the same last year and it didn�t rise so much? Is someone becoming filthy rich due to future values trading? Will it go down after next elections? The Bush admin "Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000" and the 2006 ICE allowence to trade through local terminals with EEUU future oil at London exchange stocks; favoring the especulation furthermore might be a move to further enrich its buddies, the oil companies, while himself, and also causing people all over the world and the country to further fall into debt with banks, who are making billions charging us taxes on money lend at private and government levels!!! Also, might this be a move to settle a oil price control tool based on especulation (a especulation that very few people currently know how exactly it affect oil price and in whcih degree!!), in order to neutralize the impact of the middle east oil price rising capacity it attacked! Is this a preface to more war(Iran)?


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