Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My sister is perfect and good at everything?

Let me first explain some things about me. I'm 11 and my sister just turned 13 a few weeks ago. I am lazy, really really lazy and I read manga all day and sit on m watching tv. I never want to try anything new because I know I will always be compared to my older sis. She has had horse back ridding lessons (at least a year) tennis, karate (she got to black belt!!) and much more and she is always a natural at it! She is incredible at the violin and she is in a jazz dance team and a hiphop dance team for Pacific coast academy of dance and (after an audition and an interview) excepted into the Laguna playhouse Conversatory for prodigies (acting). She is an incredible singer and has a singing coach and even her singing coach was amazed at her singing! She has sang in a recording studio and everything! She even is a great drawer she draws really pretty anime girls and I get SOO jealous! I can't act, sing, dance, horseback ride, kick above my head (my sister can WAAAY above her head), play tennis, or the violin. Not mention everywhere we go people are always commenting on how beautiful she is. She has so many friends and she popular and has a really cute boyfriend. I'm so jealous please help!!!


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