Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nhs dental waiting lists?

I was just wondering if anyone else has had this trouble. In August I had toothache so I went to my dentist and they told me I needed my wisdom tooth removed. They gave me an X ray and told me that they wouldn't be able to take it out as it might be buried in a nerve in my lower jaw. They said they would have to refer me to my local hospital where they would remove it for me. I was told this was standard practice and a really common procedure so they referred me. About a month later I received a letter with my appointment for the beginning of October. I umed this was for my tooth extraction as my dentist knew I was in agony with the pain. I attended the appointment and it turned out to be a consultation which lasted less than 5 minutes. I explained at this appointment how much pain I was in but they still said they would have to put me on the waiting list for an appointment but couldn't say when that would be. I phoned them every week to find out when my appointment would be and if they could fit me in sooner as the pain was gradually increasing and it was effecting everything from me not being able to eat to not sleeping for days. No painkillers were working. I eventually received a letter with my appointment for Febuary, 6 months after I first went to the dentist in pain and 4 months after the 5 min hospital consultation. A couple of times since I received my appointment I have phoned the hospital to see if I can get it any sooner. The first time I called they were very understanding and said they would put me on the emergency list. a couple of weeks later I phoned again to see if anything had changed and I spoke to someone different who was also very understanding and said they would put me on the emergency list. I thought this was a bit strange as I was already told I had been put on it and when I asked her she said there must have been some sort of mix up. So here I am now a month to go, dentist says they can't help me, hospital keep putting me on imaginary emergency list and doctor has got me taking 3 sets of painkillers every 2 hours for the pain. Still can't eat properly, sleep is minimal, my life is a nightmare because of this. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this or if anyone can give me any advice or help on what to do as I'm really suffering. Sorry for rambling on but hope you understand my frustration. Thank you for taking the time to read this and any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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