Monday, December 12, 2011

Should segragation in schools be reinstated?

So I was watching the news and saw a disturbing video of 2 black kids beating down a white kid. This just infuriated me. Should we as parents have to worry about our kids being beaten down on public school buses because of the color of their skin? I would think not. Now it has been made clear time and time again that most black people do not like white people. This has been proven time and time again. YOu hear it on BET you hear it on comedy central. I can't count the times I have heard a black person say "Man, I hate white people"..... this being said. We fought to get segregation out of public places and for what? So our kids could be subjected to school yard beat downs because of their ethnicity? Because they are white? Well if black people hate white people so much , why not segregate the schools. They should be segregated. They will be happy because they wont have to go to school with white people. Then our kids will be safe from attacks such as the one that has been shown on the news. I think this video should get more air play. Your always seeing videos of racist white people when this is not really the majority of people who feel this way. I am not a racist I like our president here in America alot. I think he is a good man and he can make a big difference in our country and society as a whole. Just things like this that come out really angers me and it is an outrage that this kind of stuff is going on. If I was that kid I would have probably been jumped or gundowned . I wouldnt just stand there and let some punk *** put his hands on me like that. I would have stood up for myself. And the other white kids on that bus who were laughing about it. They should be ashamed of themselves. It's an us against them mentality in the black community today and it should be an us against them mentality in the white community.


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